
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Sea Creatures

t f B! P L

What's "Clionidae"

"Clionidae" is a type of snail, but when it grows it loses its shell completely. Clionidae's body has many transparent parts, and there are one-to-two transparent wings at the positions of the arms of the fuselage, and the wings move to swim. From this figure, Clionidae is also called a "sea angel".

While Clionidae has the cute appearance mentioned above, it also has a terrifying side. Clionidae prey on food with six tentacles!!

Origami "Clionidae"

Origami "Clionidae" is very difficult.


difficulty level: ★★★ (difficult)

paper: pink(15cm✕15cm)、marker(black)

Tutorial video of how to make "Clionidae"

Coming soon!!

※If you want tutorial video how to make "Clionidae", please comment below!!

About me

Hello!! My name is Kanon, a Japanese girl. I like paper foldings (Origami) and I started "Kanon Origami Blog" with my father. Please feel free to enjoy my Origami works !!

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