
Saturday, July 15, 2023


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What's "Seismosaurus"

"Seismosaurus" is a type of dinosaur. The genus name means "earthquake lizard" and was named because it is "a huge body that causes an earthquake when walking". Seismosaurus was considered to be the largest dinosaur in history when it was first discovered, but in 1993, the larger Argentinosaurus was discovered and it was decided to give up its position.

Origami "Seismosaurus"

Origami "Seismosaurus" is not so difficult.

difficulty level: ★★☆ (normal)

paper: aqua blue(15cm✕15cm)、marker(black)

Tutorial video of how to make "Seismosaurus"

[YOUTUBE] Easy Origami "Seismosaurus" Tutorial

About me

Hello!! My name is Kanon, a Japanese girl. I like paper foldings (Origami) and I started "Kanon Origami Blog" with my father. Please feel free to enjoy my Origami works !!

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