Kabuto (Decorative Samurai Helmet)

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Japanese Cultures

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What's "Kabuto (Decorative Samurai Helmet)"

"Kabuto" is a type of helmet first used by ancient Japanese warriors (samurai), and in later periods, they became an important part of the traditional Japanese armour worn by the samurai class and their retainers in feudal Japan.

Origami "Kabuto"

Origami "Kabuto" is one of the popular Origami works in Japan. By the time of "Children's Day" in May, you may be able to see a child wearing a kabuto made from newspaper.

Kabuto (Decorative Samurai Helmet)

difficulty level: ★☆☆ (easy)

paper size: 15cm✕15cm or newspaper(for children's wearing)

paper features: normal(red)

Tutorial video of how to make "Kabuto"

Coming soon!!

※If you want tutorial video how to make "Kabuto (Decorative Samurai Helmet)", please comment below!!

About me

Hello!! My name is Kanon, a Japanese girl. I like paper foldings (Origami) and I started "Kanon Origami Blog" with my father. Please feel free to enjoy my Origami works !!

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