
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sea Creatures

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What's "Dolphin"

"Dolphin" is a type of mammal, not a fish. Dolphin is very cute, but for some reason in Japan, dolphin is written in Chinese characters as "sea pig".

Origami "Dolphin"

"Dolphin" is not so difficult to make!! And so cute!!


difficulty level: ★★☆ (normal)

paper size: 15cm✕15cm

paper features: normal(light blue/pink)

others: eye sticker or marker

Tutorial video of how to make "Dolphin"

[YOUTUBE] Easy Origami "Dolphin" Tutorial

About me

Hello!! My name is Kanon, a Japanese girl. I like paper foldings (Origami) and I started "Kanon Origami Blog" with my father. Please feel free to enjoy my Origami works !!

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